A low-pressure area over northern Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin, coupled by southwest monsoon and the convergence of southeasterly and southwesterly winds aloft over the northeastern region of Thailand, resulted to flash floods and forest runoff between August 16-26, 2024. Another massive flooding hit the North, particularly Chiang Rai, on September 12.
To date, World Vision Thailand’s emergency response has reached over 3,400 people through different interventions. 208 people have accessed services including health checks, shelter, accommodation, meals and NFI distribution at the Chiang Rai Development Centre.1,800 people have received relief kits that include UHT milk, canned fish, drinking water, painkiller and fever medicine, mosquito repelent, candles, lighter, sanitary products, other food items.
World Vision Thailand is currently conducting an assessment to identify gaps and needs in service delivery for response and recovery phases. Key priorities include: